Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Wall

This brick wall
Knows every problem in the world

Victims are pushed against it
The bullied are thrown into it
Self-loathing heads beat on it

The needy are drawn to it
The beggars are sent to it
The innocent are killed there
In the alley-way beside it

The prideful spit upon it
The ignorant don't see it
The apathetic just don't care

The homeless make their beds
In the cardboard thrown away there

Dumpsters rot there
Drugs have many uses there
Forbidden doors are
Hidden there

I wish I could crumble
But I don't want to crush
All the hurting
That find comfort at the
Broken, destroyed,
graffiti-covered, lonely,
brick wall.
It's all that still understands them.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The long stretch of a dark road with no end in sight...

Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel about this section of NaNoWriMo. I hit 10k words today, but if I'm going by NaNo standards, that puts me at less than 50% of the goal. Realistically, I'm not going to hit 50k by November 30th unless I delay all other activities and remain at my desk 24 hours a day. Knowing myself, I would go insane before the first day was over.
With 5 more showings of Little Women this week plus papers galore and every other thing I have to do, I doubt much writing will get done this week besides on Wednesday, when I force myself to walk to the library and join a few others for an hour or two to do nothing but writewritewritewritewrite. Fortunately, I am at a little over 40% toward my personal goal of 25k, which I still plan on reaching by the end of the month. Hopefully I will at the very least discipline myself into writing regularly as well as finishing the story I'm in the middle of. I really want this to come to a conclusion (a happy one).

Still pressin' on!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


NaNo has begun!

Follow my progress here:
I will be updating my word count from the edited version of the story (with the three main characters instead of the original 10). My bio is there as well, along with an excerpt from the beginning of each character's POV. It's not much, but I don't want to put too much out there at the beginning. It's still a WIP, and I plan to treat it like one until I finish the story. (Makes sense, right?)


Thursday, October 27, 2011


Did you lose yourself somewhere out there?
Did you get to be a star?
Don't it make you sad to know that life
Is more than who we are?
So far I still do not have much written. However, I have managed to write four arguments (at least a page each) and four normal conversations. The arguments have all been between major characters, but the "normal" conversations have all been between one major character and an extremely minor or unnamed character. Normally, I don't even enjoy writing dialogue, but it has become the majority of my word count as of my most recent update.

My new character's name is Corten Delaire, in case anyone was curious. Corten is a name I came up with--a combination of Cord and Torsten, meaning "bold counsel" and "the stone of Thor", respectively. Delaire means "of the air". I love overly unusual names, in case you hadn't noticed. I'm still working on his introduction because it has changed a lot from my original idea. I have a lot planned for him.

The official beginning of NaNoWriMo is on Tuesday! Follow my progress officially here: I can't start posting word counts until November 1st, though, so don't get ahead of yourselves.

Title & song quote: Name by the Goo Goo Dolls (one of my faves)

Much awesomeness wished from my heart to all,

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Musical Inspiration Post

I listen to a lot of music when I write, but these are the main songs that have been on repeat this time.
Hard Enough - Brandon Flowers
The Cave - Mumford & Sons
Blood Pressure - MuteMath
Don't Give Up - Ferras
E.T. (acoustic cover) - Alex Goot
People Are Strange - the Doors
Over My Head (Cable Car) - the Fray
Place of Paradise - Eli Lieb
Falling In - Lifehouse
All This Time - Joe Jonas
Sunlight Makes Me Paranoid - Elefant
Out of Summertime - Scotty McCreery
Falling Slowly (cover) - Curt Mega & Kimberly Whalen
Also, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING by Snow Patrol, Coldplay, We Were Promised Jetpacks, and the Arctic Monkeys. (Question: Why are all my favorite bands foreign?)

M&Ms, Twister, and red ink,

***ATTENTION: This has been a musical inspiration post.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Odd Soul

Here we go
Wasting lives one way or another
Here we go
Vacant eyes rearranging their color
Wasting lives one way or another
This is when it gets hard. Well, actually, it got hard about a week ago. Today, I should have 12,000 words. I just reached 5,503. But it's progress, and that's all that counts. It's the word count, not the content, I have to keep reminding myself.
Where’s your nerve gone?
And where’s your hope?
And where’s that sunrise you’ve been waiting for?
And where’s that one day you got it all?
Well, I bet we’ll find it in no time at all
I killed off most of my characters. (by "killed off" I mean "removed from the story") I might bring them back later as I feel inspired, but they have been put on hold for now. I finally have an idea for where I want this story to go, and I'm going to run with it.
Nothing’s gonna stop what we started
Nothing’s gonna break what we’ve bonded
We can make the world spin however we want
It’s all on us
Inspiration has been coming from a lot of places lately--mundane life happenings, random dreams, good/new music...
Lyrics are from "Allies", "In No Time", and "Equals" on Mutemath's new album, Odd Soul. Buy it. Worth it. That's all I'm gonna say.

Ramen and flashlights,

Monday, October 3, 2011


You are all four seasons
Rolled into one
You are the cold December snow
In the warm July sun
Day 1:
- Three characters introduced
- Three others are mentioned
- Five conversations
- Four conflicts
- 1,359 words

Day 2:
- Two of the mentioned characters are introduced
- Two conversations
- Five conflicts
- 2,390 words

- Two drabbles

Day 3 (so far):
- One more character introduced
- Another mentioned, plus reference to a previously mentioned character
- One conversation
- Two conflicts
- 2,524 words

Plus I've typed up all my character bios and found a middle name for one of them.
I'm in the middle of a 24 hour fast from my ipod and itunes for English class. Makes sense, right? I'm hoping I can get along without the random burst of music from my speakers. The cool air and misty rain outside have helped with inspiration. I also discovered that walking past my mirror and making faces to myself is particularly inspiring.
 His name is Finlay Leonard. Freshman, of course. He’s a little young, only 17, but definitely worth the investment. He’s brilliant, Dom, and I think you’ll really enjoy getting to know him. He’s a fantastic writer. You should Google him if you get the chance. Might be a little creepy once you finally meet, but it’ll give you a good sense of where his head is.

First quote is from "Northern Wind" by City & Colour. I love blasting them out my windows when I drive down the highway, but their lyrics are wonderfully artistic.
Second quote is from page 5 when I introduce Dominic with a phone conversation. More random tidbits to come!

Have a happy day,

Saturday, October 1, 2011


October 1st. You know what that means? Novel writing!!! For me, at least. Yes, I have officially begun my 2011 attempt at NaNoWriMo. If you would like to follow my progress, I will start posting word counts on November 1st (when the website starts up) at under the username "theloveofinches".
For now, I will provide you with a sneak peek--a character list. Nicknames, last names, genders (hey, sometimes it's confusing) and ages only. Full names may or may not be revealed at some point in the story (yes, all of them have middle names and bios and all that fun stuff). Here you go!

[Last name, nickname - gender, age]
Anderson, Cary - M, 21
Chamberlain, Alex aka "Harry" - F, 21
Everret, Mae - F, 18
Houser, Luke - M, 19
Leonard, Cal - F, 17
Leonard, Finlay - M, 17
Martyn, Joe - M, 20
Newman, AJ - F, 20
Weller, Taylor - F, 22
Xella, Dom - M, 23

I probably won't start posting excerpts for a few days or more. I want to have time to see where the story is going before I share it with the world (or whoever cares to read it).

Wish me luck!

Monday, September 26, 2011

NaNo 2010

I have decided that I do not want to post the next section of NaNo 2009 quite yet. I'm not extremely comfortable with the way it was written or the characters I introduced. I might decide later to post more, but for right now it's on hold.
This is part 1 of my NaNoWriMo attempt from last year. I tried to organize it into alternating sections: the main characters thoughts in direct relation to one part of her life, and 3rd person descriptions of the main character's actions in another part of her life.
These "chapters" are not nearly as long as the entire thing is only 5 1/2 pages. Enjoy!


“What? Wh-who’s there?”
I was supposed to be alone. They told me I would be alone… But I guess I have to do this anyway. That room is the only way to get out of here. And it’s not like I can just walk right through it.
I wonder what happened to… No. Keep focused. There’s no time for that. This is really not the time for that, of all times. I really just want to get out of here…
I wish I could just start singing right now. That would make this a ton less stressful. I mean, what the heck with putting me here. This isn’t something someone my age should be doing. Stupid, idiot boss. I mean, he’s not even a freaking boss. What kind of boss doesn’t run his own team? I mean, seriously.
Whatever. He can dig his own grave. What do I care. I don’t. I don’t care. Alright then. Now that that’s settled.
I wonder where that—
What is that crashing noise? For gosh sakes…
“Can I help somebody in here?”
There. Maybe sarcasm will get ‘em.
“Ha ha ha. Wow, am I getting bored.”
Okay, Mr. Hidey-hole. Time for me to escape you…
“Aha. I wondered where you were. Dumb knob needs to hide from me until the last possible second…”
…I hate these stupid things they give us. Seriously, like, what does this even do? Well, probably something. But whatever.
“Helloooooo! Is Crash-Dude out here somewhere? Yo! Crash-Man! Why do you feel the need to make noise when I am not able to find you, but the second I come out of the darn cupboard, you’re absolutely nowhere?”
I am yelling into an empty room. Brilliant. I may be officially losing—
“Who’s there? What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here! Who are you?”
Umm… okay. There’s a random voice coming from the wall. That may or may not be a good thing.
“I don’t think you’re supposed to be here either, Crash-Dude.”
I need to be more creative with my nicknames.
“Th-they told me I would b-be alone.”
Amateur, eh? He should know by now never to talk about they.
“Wow, dude, you’re completely out here. I’m the one that’s supposed to be alone. I have no idea what you’re talking about. And how do you know they?”
“H-how do y-you know they?”
“Um. Duh. I work for them.”
This guy’s got serious mental issues or something…
“Really? So do I! Wow. I was so scared about this charge. I was like, ‘I don’t know how you’re going to let me do this.’ I’ve never gone alone before, and all I’ve ever done is end charges.”
“Who’s your supervisor?”
“Oh, I work with K. You?”
This is getting really weird, really fast.
“Uh, me too. What’s your section?”
I need to find out more about this guy. I doubt he should be here…
“I’m in—”
“As a matter of fact, we should get going.”
“Oh, sorry. Thinking out loud. I do that a lot. Let’s go.”
I really feel like running right now. I have no idea why…
What the—Um. Why is Crash-Dude all of a sudden headless? And why are there wires coming out of his neck?
Oh, dang. Not again. K’s gonna kill me this time for certain.
Hm. Maybe this is why I felt like running…
Stay tuned for more...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Plans for NaNoWriMo 2011

Here are my thoughts.... I have not succeeded in writing 2,000 words per day for more than one day in past years. My PR is 3.3k+. Being in college now, I can only assume it will be enormously more difficult to get in even the minimum 1,667 words per day in the midst of exams, papers, and maintaining a social life. There are two solutions:
1. Vow to actually work hard every day to at least complete the minimum and hopefully reach 25k by the end of the month, or
2. Start early.
This year, I will begin writing a 50k novel on October 1st. I will write a minimum of 1k words per day throughout October and November, pretty much guaranteeing at least some success. Basically, even if I skip a few days, it will be enormously easier to make up what I have lost. Also, I am not stretching it over too much time so there will still be the whole time constraint element that NaNo imposes.

I already have the essentials of my story set up. Character list may come soon!


Friday, September 16, 2011


Oh, the reviving of an old blog. It's like a new year of school, new friends, a new environment, and so many new things to be learned. For example, I should probably learn a new word for "new".
First off, I have deleted my other blog. There really wasn't a point to keeping it. If you want to know what's going on with me or what I think of something, ask. A blog isn't needed for that. This one, however, is more likely to hold my interest longer, if I do decide to keep up with it for once.
I have obviously written a lot since my last post here, and that NaNo post is only the first page or so of about 10 pages. Plus, I haven't looked at my 2010 NaNo writings in a long time. So many things to post, so little time. We shall see how this goes.

To begin, here is the next portion of my 2009 National Novel Writing Month expedition. Enjoy.


“Where to?”
“Um… I don’t know yet.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I haven’t quite figured out where I want to be.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me, Lady. You got 2 minutes to figure it out.”
“I’m sorry. Uhhh okay. Can you take me to 400 Mason Street, New Brighton?”
“Sure. Buckle up.” I think the cab driver could somehow feel my fear as I scrambled to find my old address among the papers. He made some attempts at small talk, as I assumed most cabbies did, and eventually left me alone.
I haven’t seen anyone from PA or talked to them for almost five years. I’m an only child and my parents died in a car wreck in 2000. That was another reason I wanted to leave. I had 3 years to deal with it, but I just wanted to escape the continuous awkward conversations that always ended with “So how’s your family doing? Oh, wait. I’m sorry.” Even 3 years later, I had to hold back tears when I heard that. Now I’m fine. I guess after the separation, I eventually forgot. That part of me must’ve died or something because I just don’t feel it.
Anyway, after the accident, I lived with some very close friends. All of my family was on the other side of the country (my parents preferred the colder winters opposed to living on a beach) and the last thing I wanted was to move out there around crying aunts and uncles and grandparents and people I’ve never met that call themselves “relatives”. The last thing I wanted was to believe they were actually gone.
15 days after graduation, I packed up everything I owned and left. I loved my life and couldn’t have asked for more, but I was tired of the repetition. I’ve never been one for sappy goodbyes so I left without talking to many people. They all found out I was leaving through the one or two friends I did tell. And before I had to answer their phone calls, I was on a plane headed south.
I bought an apartment near DeVry online before I got down there. One of the perks: no roommate. I didn’t want to have that pressure so soon. I had a savings account and all the money my parents left behind so living without a job was pretty easy. I wanted to be by myself for a while. I figured it would be easier to get settled if I didn’t have too many friends. So I lived by myself, didn’t work, and didn’t own a car for the first three years. I got rides when I absolutely needed them, but for the most part, I stayed out of people’s lives and they stayed out of mine.
It wasn’t a split-second decision to come back to PA. It kind of started as a suggestion I made to myself a while back. I mean, I always thought about going back someday, but I kind of had a reputation in Dallas and my obligation to the people I met there kept my mind off of the past for the most part. But after that suggestion, I thought about it more and more for months until I couldn’t not think about it. Then it was almost like if I didn’t go, I’d go crazy. So I went.
“This you?” the cabbie said, bringing me back to reality.
“Yeah. Thanks.” I said as I looked at the meter and handed him the money. I stepped out of the cab and grabbed my bags from the trunk. I didn’t know quite what to do with them, but it was still raining so I walked up to the door and unlocked it. I never ended up selling the house I lived in before Mom and Dad died. I cleaned it out, but as long as no one was living there, I didn’t have any payments to make, and I just happen to still have a key. The only furniture left is an old bed, a dining room table, some chairs, and a couch. The rest was taken by relatives or given away. Everything is still hooked up, but the electricity was turned off along with the plumbing. All of the walls are off-white except for the two bedrooms and the bathroom.
I walked through the front room, the living room, the dining room, the hallway… It’s all just the same. This made me both happy and sad. Happy because it was the first time I felt like I might have a chance to pull this off. Sad because nothing had changed and it made me think if everything else would be the same as well.
At the end of the hallway was my parents’ old room. I opened the door that to my knowledge hadn’t been opened in five years. I peeked in to see deep red walls and a large tan square of carpet. Only they would go as far as deep red. But I couldn’t let myself stay there long enough for the tears to catch up. I slammed the door and walked back to the dining room. I sat down and lifted my laptop bag to the table. I yanked out the large manila folder and centered it in front of me. Do you really want to do this? What’s it for in the long run anyway? What do you think you’re gonna find? The voices in my head were practically yelling at me at this point. I needed to occupy my mind with something louder than my thoughts. I had plenty of time, so I fished a small iPod out of my coat pocket and hooked it up to the strongest speakers I owned. Muse, Linkin Park, and Tenth Avenue North took up an entire 109 song playlist that I used only when I wanted to drown something out.
I stared at the folder a minute longer then slowly opened it. The first page was a list of phone numbers that I almost threw away upon arriving in Dallas. I was finally thankful I didn’t. This page wasn’t the most important; it mainly had friends of friends and family members. I tossed it to the side. The second page was a Facebook profile I made a few years back but never used. That was mainly for my own entertainment … a way to remember the good times. I also tossed that one aside. Page 3 was where it got interesting. On this page was a list that I made for my senior year of my best friends and their phone numbers. It was stapled to a photocopy of the front page of my high school yearbook where everyone had signed. I was reminiscent for a moment, but quickly remembered why I was doing this in the first place.
One of them has to have the same phone number. One of them has to still live here. I turned the music down and started dialing.

It's definitely not my best, but it's darn good for a first draft (if you've ever seen one of my first drafts, you know what I mean).
Title is from a Coldplay song on their next album, Mylo Xyloto, coming out in October. It's an amazing song. Check it out.
