Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Wall

This brick wall
Knows every problem in the world

Victims are pushed against it
The bullied are thrown into it
Self-loathing heads beat on it

The needy are drawn to it
The beggars are sent to it
The innocent are killed there
In the alley-way beside it

The prideful spit upon it
The ignorant don't see it
The apathetic just don't care

The homeless make their beds
In the cardboard thrown away there

Dumpsters rot there
Drugs have many uses there
Forbidden doors are
Hidden there

I wish I could crumble
But I don't want to crush
All the hurting
That find comfort at the
Broken, destroyed,
graffiti-covered, lonely,
brick wall.
It's all that still understands them.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The long stretch of a dark road with no end in sight...

Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel about this section of NaNoWriMo. I hit 10k words today, but if I'm going by NaNo standards, that puts me at less than 50% of the goal. Realistically, I'm not going to hit 50k by November 30th unless I delay all other activities and remain at my desk 24 hours a day. Knowing myself, I would go insane before the first day was over.
With 5 more showings of Little Women this week plus papers galore and every other thing I have to do, I doubt much writing will get done this week besides on Wednesday, when I force myself to walk to the library and join a few others for an hour or two to do nothing but writewritewritewritewrite. Fortunately, I am at a little over 40% toward my personal goal of 25k, which I still plan on reaching by the end of the month. Hopefully I will at the very least discipline myself into writing regularly as well as finishing the story I'm in the middle of. I really want this to come to a conclusion (a happy one).

Still pressin' on!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


NaNo has begun!

Follow my progress here:
I will be updating my word count from the edited version of the story (with the three main characters instead of the original 10). My bio is there as well, along with an excerpt from the beginning of each character's POV. It's not much, but I don't want to put too much out there at the beginning. It's still a WIP, and I plan to treat it like one until I finish the story. (Makes sense, right?)
